Letter from the president

Thanks so much for your interest in the Family Life International Bible Institute.
We desire to develop Christ centered Family focused leaders for Gods glory, and therefore are committed to provide a strong academic program, integrating subject matter and the truth of scripture in every discipline. We are motivated to provide opportunities for our students to develop leadership qualities, character strengths, and interpersonal skills both within the Family Life International Bible Institute community and in the community at large. Most important, we seek spiritual development though a Christ centered Family focused faculty and staff modeling high integrity and genuine love for the students and each other.
I think you will find that the Institute has a warm and friendly atmosphere. Our faculty and students are committed to developing an environment that promotes and presents the Family as a Kingdom priority.
Students at FLIBI are encouraged to live godly lives, reach for excellence, and experience success in a safe, Christ centered Family focused environment. We want our students to be excited about attending FLIBI knowing that the academic challenges, high standards, caring faculty, and various activities will provide the training necessary to live Christ centered Family focused lives.
If you find the Family Life International Bible Institute educationally and spiritually compatible with your goals, we invite you to consider joining the Family Life International Bible Institute community.
In His Service
The Most Reverend Dr. Sterling Lands
International Presiding Bishop, Family Life International Fellowship