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Letter from the provost

As the Chief Academic Officer of the Family Life International Bible Institute, it is with pleasure that I extend a welcome to you on behalf of the members of the Faculty, Staff, and Administration of Family Life International Bible Institute (FLIBI). The FLIBI’s Mission is to develop Christ-centered Family-focused leaders of high integrity for God's glory. 

FLIBI’s distance learning courses offer a variety of certification and degree programs that will prepare you for your ministerial calling. We award certifications; masters, and doctoral degrees in a variety of ministerial fields. Because our courses are online and do not follow a semester schedule, they can be taken at times which are convenient for you and that fit into your schedule/timeline.

Our faculty, staff, and students are an international learning community passionate about our pursuit of setting up life-changing and world-defining ministries that are committed to developing Christ-centered Family-focused leaders of high integrity for God's glory. Our instructors bring a wide variety of expertise and will assist you in gaining the knowledge you need to fulfill your calling from the Lord.

Browse the pages and acquaint yourself with the contents. We stand ready to help you realize your ministerial goals.


Ne'Shaun Jones, Ed.D.


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